Friday, March 12, 2010

Different Ways of Remove Tattoos

There are hundreds of individuals like you who are excited to get a tattoo on their bodies each year only to realize a little while later that they may have blundered. After the initial excitement of having a permanent mark on their body some realize the fun they thought they would get is no longer there.
For others they discover they were pushed to choose a design the really never liked. This then requires another expense to have them removed or replaced. As we speak today, tattoo removal business has become a million dollar industry.

Tattoo removal business
If you are having second thoughts about the tattoo on your skin, you are simply not alone. There are many people from all walks of life who develop second thoughts about their tattoos when it is already too late because most tattoos are meant to be permanent. What looked like a perfect idea seems to be like a nightmare and all you want is to chuck it out. Your wish can actually come true as there are many different ways of removing tattoos and we highlight some of them in this article as follows

Doctor Removing TattooThe area where the tattoo needs to be removed is frozen and then the skin where the tattoo is rubbed or scratched with a rotary abrasive or a diamond fraise. It works by removing the top few layers of skin and the tattoo is finally removed as the sanding goes deeper into the skin. This is an extremely painful procedure and its effects are not very pleasing as it causes the skin to bleed and may leave a scar together with the ever present risk of an infection.

Sal-abrasionSal-abrasion is an old school technique used for removing unwanted tattoos. They use some anesthetic to numb the area to be treated. Then a salt water solution is applied onto the tattoo itself after which the area is abraded with a tool that is similar to the one used in the Dermabrasion process. This method becomes effective only in the case o superficial tattoos and requires some multiple treatments. The tattoo will only be faded and may not be removed completely.

In this procedure some anesthetic is injected and the tattoo is cut out from the skin using a scalpel. After completion the surrounding skin is the sewn back together and is ideal mainly fro tattoos that are small in size. Tattoos that are large can also be removed only that there will be a need for a skin graft after their removal. The downside is that the chances of infections are extremely high in this kind of a procedure.

This is an interesting procedure because what happens is that a new tattoo is placed on top of the older one that was not desired. There are people who prefer to cover-up their tattoo rather than going through any painful process of having them removed as this happens to be les expensive and painless and does not take any time to heal. There are some skilled tattoos who have simply decoded to specialize in cover ups and they provide very good results. The biggest disadvantage with this process is that you can only do a cover up just once.

Tattoo Removal Creams
This happens to be the least expensive way of removing tattoos and you administer it to yourself. The marked is jam packed with such creams that all claim to be effective in fading your tattoo. There are clams that creams may fade your tattoo after using for such an amount of time but the rate of success is still highly doubtful.

Saline Tattooing
In this procedure you have the artist fade your tattoo by tattooing lidocaine and saline solution on top of the unwanted tattoo. This is beneficial for tattoos that have seen better days. The process will simply lighten the existing tattoo and may not completely remove it. It is a harmless procedure and relatively affordable though it’s quite rare to find an artist who performs it as it is difficult labor intensive one.

Laser Tattoo Removal
This is considered to be the best of all methods of tattoo removal in the market today. It is costly though and may require multiple sessions for it to be successful but then it is a painless procedure and there is not a single drop of blood that you are going to spill. This procedure has the targeted tattoo exposed to some intense light that is delivered by laser. The laser energy results in the destruction of the colored ink while at the same time ensuring the least damage to the surrounding skin. Laser treatment has become the very popular and everyone who wants their tattoos removed are all thinking laser.

There will be different lasers required to remove the different colors in your tattoo available in today’s advanced laser systems. Some machines can even provide a multi wavelength approach that combines a large array of lasers. This approach utilizes intense beams of light to significantly lighten the tattoo with each treatment. The light energy is either delivered in a continuous wave of light or in pulses, always depending the treatment and the type of laser being used.

The ink particles of the tattoo are broken up into smaller fragments upon absorbing the light from the laser. These fragments are then absorbed into your body by the white blood cells and carried away to be disposed off by the body’s natural cleansing mechanism. The cleansing process will take about four to six weeks. Any colors that deeper in the skin will require several treatments in order o come out.

How Many Treatments?
The average numbers of sessions are likely to be anywhere between 6 and 10 that are spaced about six weeks apart. The real number of treatments is determined by the size, location, depth and color of your tattoo. The treatments will require those six to eight weeks in order for your body to have sufficient team to eliminate the tattooed pigment from the treatment area. The session themselves will take you about 10 to 30 minutes each and most patients are able to see some improvement with each session.

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