Honey has all it takes to improve your sex life. Honey when used appropriately or combined with other food items could promote growth and regeneration of body tissues and strenghten a healthy physical body. It is therefore not an overstatement that honey can improve your sex life miraculously in more than 10 solid ways, which include the following:
a) AS AN APHRODIASAC - Pure and unheated honey is a mild sexual stimulant naturally, since it contains numerous substances such as zinc, vit. E, e.t.c., which promotes virility and reproductive health. A mixture of honey and grounded garlic taken regularly at bed time is an aphrodiasacthat increases sexual stamina and pleasure
[b]HONEY AS A SPERM BOOSTER[- Honey could provide lasting remedy for people with lowsperm count problem since it could boost the sperm count from level zero to fertility level of over 60million sperm count. Regular intake of honey increases the production of sperm cells and also the quality and motility of the sperm cells. In fact honey rejuvenates the rproductive organs of both male and female sexes. Please note that to achieve the above result, you need to rid yourself of any kind of seually transmitted disease because the presence of such diseases works against sperm production
c) AS WEAK ERECTION RELIEVER- Your problem of weak erection will be a thing of the past if you can cultivate the habit of taking honey mixed with boiled onion juice. Two tablespoonful of honey taken twice on a daily basis for atleast a month wiil combat your weak erection. You can also mix honey with giger or garlic juice and raw egg, and take a tablespoonful of it at bed time every night for sexual virility uptill old age.
The most active honey is the pure natural honey obtained from the beehive without killing the bees and without boiling the honey or adding sugar as some people do. Honey contains all the essential nutrients that are necessary for the build up of a healthy and disease resistant body. To be sexually active and strong, you need strong blood and vitality, and honey provides instant energy and promotes the formation of red blood cells. Make honey your food supplement today and use it in place of sugar in your tea, drinks and youl'll be glad you did.
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